Practical CPD: Advanced Anaesthesia and Emergency for Veterinary Nurses NZ

All Day

Kahuvet Education Centre, Wiri, Auckland Auckland

Marcia Fletcher RVNS, Dip VN (Dist), VTS – Anesthesia and Analgesia
This one-day practical workshop will review all the techniques you need to ensure your patients receive the best care. Topics will include but are not limited to:

Initial triage and stabilisation of emergent patients
Anaesthesia for compromised patients
The value of monitoring equipment
Emergency anaesthesia
The practical session will teach the evidence-based RECOVER CPR guidelines with plenty of opportunity for hands-on practice


Triaging and emergency patient care are essential skills for all veterinary nurses. This workshop is designed to give the emergency nurse a strong grounding in all aspects of emergency

including triaging, stabilising emergency patients, ECG analysis in emergency patients and performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation using the RECOVER guidelines.

Key Skills:

By the end of this workshop delegates will:

  • Develop the skills and knowledge required to effectively triage emergencies.
  • Learn the patients requiring emergency anaesthesia and their shock classifications.
  • Practice and preform basic and advanced life support in teams.

This workshop is accredited for 7 NZVNA CPD points.

Register here