NZVNA Webinar: The importance of Self Awareness in looking after your mental health and wellbeing
We all know that veterinary practices can be stressful places to work. But this can look very different for all of us.
Join Simon Fowler as he introduces us to the Insights model and how to use it to help us consider:
What causes us to feel under pressure.
How we will show it.
How to alleviate it.
Through this we hope you will learn how to be more proactive in looking after your own wellness and increase your awareness and understanding to help you look after others.
After growing up on a dairy farm, Simon spent 20 years working in Animal Health, carrying out various roles for one of the pharmaceutical companies. So, he has a great understanding of working with veterinary practices.
During this time, he was introduced to a tool called Insights Discovery, which he says was the one piece of development that had the biggest impact on his career.
In 2018 Simon moved with his family to The Bay of Plenty and set up his company, The Colour Code, a partner for Insights Discovery in New Zealand and Australia.
He now works across different industries and organisations, following his purpose of helping people feel valued and understood in their work.
Join Simon for his webinar: The importance of Self Awareness in looking after your mental health and wellbeing
We all know that veterinary practices can be stressful places to work.
But this can look very different for all of us.
Simon will introduce us to the Insights model and use it to help us consider:
- What causes us to feel under pressure.
- How we will show it.
- How to alleviate it.
Through this we hope you will learn how to be more proactive in looking after your own wellness and increase your awareness and understanding to help you look after others.
GIVEAWAY: On the night Simon will offer 3 free Digital profiles (worth over $200 each) to share further tips in looking after your own wellbeing.
This webinar is proudly sponsored by The Colour Code.