Practical CPD: Essential Skills in Emergency and Critical Care for Vet Nurses Wet-lab NZ
All Day
Kahuvet Education Centre, Wiri, Auckland
Ashleigh Walsh Dip.VN, VTS (ECC), RVNS
This workshop is focused on the various skills required to nurse a variety of ECC patients including performing triage, accurate assessments, recognising life threatening emergencies, management of the various indwelling devices and the nursing care considerations these patients require.
This workshop is accredited for 7 NZVNA CPD points.
Emergencies can present at any time or day to any practice and this workshop will give veterinary nurses and technicians the skills and confidence to accurately and confidently identify life threatening scenarios, and implement the nursing care appropriate to these patients and their specific needs.
- Initial assesment and triage of emergency/sick patients, including recognition of life threatening condtions and how to recognise subtle warning signs.
- Placement and management of indwelling devices (including urinary catheters, nasal oxygen catheters, feeding tubes)
- Nursing considerations and care for ECC patients