Over the last 30 years, the NZVNA Executive Committee have formed strong relationships with a variety of like-minded organizations and industry partners.

Through these relationships we are able to strengthen and advance the Aotearoa New Zealand veterinary nursing profession.


The NZVNA Executive Committee sit on a variety of boards, trusts and working groups both within Aotearoa New Zealand and World Wide, where we represent our members.

WSAVA (World Small Animal Veterinary Association); a global veterinary community. WSAVA work to advance health and welfare of companion animals through education and collaboration. The NZVNA was the first veterinary nursing association to become affiliated with WSAVA. Something we are very proud of. 

Healthy Pets NZ (formerly NZ Companion Animal Health Foundation) support research into improving health and welfare for kiwi pets.

Companion Animals NZ (formerly New Zealand Companion Animal Council) are advancing the understanding, quality and adoption of responsible companion animal guardianship in New Zealand.

IVNTA; International Veterinary Nurses and Technicians Association. The IVNTA is an association of members countries which seeks to foster and promote links with veterinary nursing and technician staff worldwide via communication and co-operation.

Vet Futures Aotearoa is an industry-wide response to the need to ensure a sustainable future for veterinary professionals. It involves representatives from all key veterinary organisations in Aotearoa.

The New Zealand Veterinary Association a membership association representing New Zealand Veterinarians

Australian Veterinary Receptionist Association is a membership association committed to supporting the role of veterinary receptionists