Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Continuing Education (CE) are vital for veterinary nurses to continuously upskill and develop. With the advent of voluntary registration, 40 CPD hours are required every two years to remain on the register. For more details on the register, please visit AVPRC.
Our website provides members with a feature to upload and store their CPD plans, certificates, and reflective practices in the "My CPD Record."
If you're interested in studying to become a veterinary nurse or other allied veterinary professional, visit Education Providers for a current list of NZQA-approved providers.
Disclaimer: The views and information in continuing education advertised on the NZVNA website do not necessarily reflect those of the NZVNA, and we do not endorse any advertised products or services. The NZVNA is not responsible for the content provided by external learning providers, nor has it independently verified the accuracy of this information. We disclaim all liability, including for negligence, related to the use of these materials. Any associated costs or enrollments are the responsibility of the individual, not the NZVNA.