Are you confused about how to represent your qualification accurately?
Do you see other qualified professionals with a list of letters behind their name, indicating their education or professional registrations? A lot of veterinary nurses use the post-nominals (abbreviation) DVN, however this isn't accurate.
If your highest qualification is a (New Zealand) Diploma in Veterinary Nursing, you can use the post-nominals of Dip. VN. You can also use RVN if you are registered. There is no need to use both.
If your highest qualification is a (New Zealand) Certificate in Animal Technology - Veterinary Nursing Assistant, you can use the post-nominals Cert. Animal Tech (VNA).
If your highest qualification is a Bachelor of Veterinary Technology or Veterinary Nursing, you can use the post-nominals BVT/BVN. You can also use RVT if you are registered BVT graduate.
Don't forget to include other qualifications you may have (BSc. etc).
For example:
Jane Doe, RVN
John Doe, Dip. VN, BSc
In summary
Dip. VN - Diploma in Veterinary Nursing
Cert. Animal Tech - Certificate in Animal Technology (VNA)
Cert. VN - Certificate in Veterinary Nursing
BVT - Bachelor of Veterinary Technology
BVN - Bachelor of Veterinary Nursing
BSc. - Bachelor of Science
MSc – Master of Science
PhD – Doctor of Philosophy
Others you may see and what they mean:
BVSc – Bachelor of Veterinary Science
DVM – Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
If you hold post-graduate qualifications, check the correct post-nominal use with your education provider.
Want to know more? Here are some useful links.
Etiquette for the Alphabet Soup of Post-Nominal Letters
Post-nominal letters